Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Journey of the soul

I know you must be checking in at least once a day (and oft times twice) wondering to your self, "When will I get to experience a new posting?" Notice how I said experience instead of read. This is a judgement call on my part, but an accurate one. For no longer can I, or anyone in fact, classify this as merely a post for one to read. It goes deeper than that. To truly get the value of these daily (go back to the first post for the definition if you are a new reader) you have to immerse yourself in the land that is Stickynotesandme. Grab a map, for you will get lost in this land, for it is as vast as it is breathtaking. But once you have a map and are on your way, you will see the wonder and glory that is Stickynotesandme. Then, and only then, will the experience be complete.

Anyways, to answer your question...Today.

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