Monday, January 5, 2009


So I'm sure a lot of you are wondering what has been going on with the blog. Posts seem very irregular, you may say. Well, yes...yes they are. Some of this goes back, once again, to the original posting and its description of this blog.

However, this time there is also a far deeper piercing reason. I would have to say that my own motivation for this blog has been faltering. Attendance to this blog (is attendance what you would call the viewership of a blog...oh wait, I guess you would call it viewership. So just ignore that last bit and use the following instead: Viewership to this blog) has been very minimal over the past weeks. Almost to the point that I may actually be writing to no one other than myself :(. As brilliant as my writing may be, I have no desire to write to myself. After all, I get to walk around with this stuff all day long. So I will ask, and hopefully you will respond... Should I keep going?

You decide.


Kymimom said...

Yes you should keep going...just because your "viewership" is irregular with posting commments doesn't mean NOBODY is reading.

Maybe it's like the cartoons in the paper, you browse the headlines and then read the cartoons.
But do people "talk" about the cartoons , NO they read them ...say hummm, or chuckle or say that was stupid, or I don't get it.

So keep writing :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, keep writing. Especially for your German friends. :-)