Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The sky

I was about to start writing a meaningless entry regarding typing with one hand while talking on the phone (which is, of course, clenched in the other, thereby allowing only one of the two hands to be available for typing). But your humble blogger decided to save you the time of reading about such a meaningless topic, by instead writing about another topic. 

Unfortunately, this topic too, appears to be meaningless, but I guess you are just out of luck because my mind has been set, and there's no going back (at least no going back twice in one sitting). 

Before I start, however, I would like to briefly go over what I may have written in the blog entry had I decided to talk about typing with one hand while talking on a phone. I may have talked about the difficulty of such a futile endeavor, while qualifying my opinion with the mere fact that I had just done it anyways and will most definitely do it again in the future. Maybe I would have gone on to talk about the inner-workings of the human mind, which have led me (or any other equally intelligent person) to attempt said act, thereby enlightening you, my wonderful readers. Or maybe I would have just went on a rant about what happened to me while I was, voluntarily or involuntarily (whichever you would like to believe), typing away, with one hand of course. Is there anyway to know for sure what would have happened? No.

At this point, you may be wondering when I will start the topic of this entry. Your patience has paid off, for here it is.

The sky is blue.
The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Patel,
Your writings are profound & I feel they rival only the wisest of all men...Solomon...in fact this work alone might well be called Ecclesibhavin...in the regard of digging for deeper truths I would like to ask you...are you certain that the sky is blue?